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- 2024 Being a Trustworthy Professional in an Untrusting World
- 2023 Reframing Trust – A Path to Address Misinformation
- 2022 Fact or Fiction – Strategies for the Misinformation Age
- 2021 Pursuing Trust – Striving for Equitable Health Care
- 2020 Building Trust & Health Equity
- 2019 [Re]Building Trust – A Path Forward
- 2018 [Re]Building Trust
Profiles in Professionalism

Present-Day Professionalism
April 11, 2017
"Initially, I understood the word ‘professionalism’ as a core part of my identity as a one-on-one clinician. On further reflection—and in the context of the current climate—I am beginning to realize that it includes more than this, it is something broader." - Kelsey Priest

Nurturing Professionalism at the System Level
March 9, 2017
"My job is to make it as easy as possible for physicians to do the right thing and that’s about creating a system, structures and support that facilitate that." - Dr. Sachin Jain

Committing to Patient Autonomy with Open Notes
February 6, 2017
"If this was a medicine that could do all of these things—improve patient compliance, improve a patient’s trust in their provider, improve the likelihood that a patient will follow through with your recommendations—you would put all of your patients on it." - Dr. Robert Unitan

Teaching Professionalism
January 6, 2017
"This helps to build the culture of professionalism, particularly through the acknowledgement that professional standards are sometimes overlooked." - Dr. Johanna Goldfarb

Calling a Truce On Physician-To-Physician Incivility To Avoid Burnout
November 18, 2016
"Although as physicians we may feel powerless to reverse many of the negative aspects of the march toward the commercialization of medicine, we can personally address our own ability to communicate respectfully to one another." - Dr. Ellen Friedman

Professionalism: Then and Now
October 20, 2016
Drs. Sylvia and Richard Cruess, subject matter experts of the Physician Charter reflect on the origins of medical professionalism and its current significance.

Professionalism: Notes for Physicians in Training
September 8, 2016
"It is our job to uphold our patients’ high expectations and to embody professionalism as an internal commitment and belief that what you do matters." - Dr. Angela Jarman

Talking About Costs
August 11, 2016
"If physicians aren’t going to be the good stewards of our patients financial resources and the system as a whole, then someone else is going to do it for us and force it down our throats. " - Dr. Braeden Johnson

Relationship-Centered Professionalism
July 5, 2016
"For me, professionalism is naively simple; it’s about relationships." - Dr. Shannon Phillips

Doing What Needs to Be Done
June 1, 2016
"The principles of professionalism should enhance the quality of my life as well as those whom I am serving." - Dr. Howard Beckman